Drew Evans

“Invest in properties that set you up, not set you back”

At the age of 14 Drew received a phone call at school telling him that their family farm had been taken by the Mugabe regime and that all their possessions were gone. He was homeless and without any rights in his own country. A week before his 15th birthday Drew and his family arrived in Australia ready to start all over again.

While this was a tragedy this was also a big opportunity. Drew says “As a 15 year old I got to watch my family rebuild from nothing and do that with incredible focus.”

He has seen that Australian’s are often blind to the opportunities available to them in their own culture because they subconsciously ask themselves “what is normal?” Refugees ask a different questions, they want to know “what is possible? What can be achieved?”

As a result, Drew came to understand what could be built in a very short period of time, with the right focus and the right help.

In his 20’s Drew helped hundreds of investors build their portfolios as he worked for one of the biggest property investment education companies in Australia. After looking at the results from thousands of clients he saw an important common element that made the difference between investors who succeeded and those who had more meagre results. He noticed that this commonality was repeated by successful investors everywhere, with portfolios worth tens of millions, hundreds of millions and even our property billionaires. When he saw this, Drew knew he had found the key to consistently and reliably growing a strong property portfolio.

Starting with just his own savings and applying everything he’d learned, Drew built a property portfolio worth $3.98 million in under 5 years. Better still the positive cash flow from his portfolio gave him the flexibility to start his own business, Caifu Property. Investing in properties that set him up, not set him back gave him increased freedom and choices rather than tying him up and leaving him stuck.

As head of strategy, Drew gets to help other investors discover what’s possible for them, rather than accepting what is “normal”. Working one-on-one with clients or training team members in property strategy Drew now gets to help others create multimillion property portfolios in time frames much shorter than they ever believed possible before they had the right help.